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What’s at the Bottom of Your Water Supply May Not Stay There

Turbidity Stirs Up Unwanted Particles

Lack of clarity in your drinking water is a sign of trouble. Turbidity follows the “animal, vegetable, mineral” concept. Bottom-feeder goodies, algae, and silt just need water movement to rise into, and flow from a water supply into the filtration system (e.g. watershed, well). Effects from turbidity include increased water temperature, lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen (both also bad for fish), and a real pain in the neck for drinking water utilities to treat water for consumption.

The Environmental Protection Agency sets the standard for the amount of turbidity allowed in drinking water. Turbidity is measured in nephelolometric turbidity units (NTU) which indicates the amount of light passing through water. An average of daily water samples for a month must yield a sample size of 0.3 NTUs over a period of any one month. 

Your first line of defense against cloudy water is activated carbon filtration. Our division, American Carbon Block, uses activated, coconut-based carbon. It is ecologically greener than coal-based carbon. Our success at Paragon Water Systems is that we take full advantage of the concept of microporosity, as it suits itself well to organic chemical adsorption.

13805 Monroes Park

Tampa, FL 33635 USA

Toll-free 1-800-288-9708

1 comment:

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